When music is a powerful medium for the mind and soul

When music is a powerful medium for the mind and soul

An indie band formed of twin brothers with an uncanny ability to sing to your soul is currently winning rave reviews – and for good reason.

Amistat, comprised of Jan and Josef Prasil, have 685,000 monthly listeners on Spotify, and are currently touring.

Born in Germany and raised in Italy to Czech and Australian parents, they bought a one-way ticket to the UK in 2019 and haven’t looked back.

According to their introduction on the giant streaming platform, they “find themselves in the soundscape of a modern Simon and Garfunkle, with influences from the likes of Ben Howard, Kings of Convenience, and Kodaline”.

The same introduction says they are “best enjoyed live” and, after attending their successful first opening concert in London on 22 March, I can confirm this to be true.

Leah, an audience member, said their music “has been a part of me over the past year… While facing difficult moments in life, their music has been a heaven”.

She added that it had been “a place to rest my anxious mind… it gave me comfort and hope in what life might bring”.

From busking to Berlin

Her words resonate. So many of us get peace and comfort through music. It does more than that, though. Music unites. Music heals. Music empowers.

The brothers formed Amistat eight years ago. Before coming to the UK, they spent some time in Australia busking in the streets.

Virtually penniless, they held on to their dream and time has proven them right. Their European tour mostly sold out.

The road here has been tough and, at times, lonely. It might be for this reason that their music speaks to so many of us. They bring their pure, authentic selves.

Their acoustic indie-music is simple and stripped back, their songs are meaningful, and their voices are in perfect harmony. Being twins might help.

However, what really distinguishes them are their deeply poetic lyrics. Each song takes us on a journey through struggles and achievements, while offering wisdom.
Their lyrics convey the highs and lows of life, of hope, and of love. At times like these, it is the kind music that we need the most.

Achieving the impossile
Josef has said the reason they write music and perform is “to make a difference in this world and to inspire others to do the same”.

He added that they liked showing people that “anything you want to achieve is possible if you go after it wholeheartedly”.
During their 1.5-hour concert, the brothers gave the crowd their whole hearts. Their setlist moved some in the audience to tears.

The secret of their music lies in its simplicity. Nor is the show sophisticated or exaggerated. It is just two twin brothers on their guitar and keyboard, followed by multi-instrumentalist Phil Deekay. All three have tremendous stage presence.
Their tour goes from London to Dublin, then on to Barcelona, Germany, Zurich, Paris, Amsterdam, Belgium, Prague, Vienna. Milan, Lisbon, and Madrid.

Should you get the chance to see them, do take the leap and experience both them and their musical pearls first-hand for an unforgettable evening.
“The journey is the goal” as they sing in ‘Far from Home’. “It doesn’t matter where you come from, only where you’ll go, moving towards your calling.” They certainly found theirs.

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