Ukrainians in Europe: life between integration and the call of home
In 2022, millions of Ukrainians fled west to safety, finding new homes and a new life in the European Union. The experience also threw up new challenges
In 2022, millions of Ukrainians fled west to safety, finding new homes and a new life in the European Union. The experience also threw up new challenges
Amid the region's severe crises, Hezbollah is engaging in actions reminiscent of the repressive tactics used in Afghanistan. A striking example is the mysterious death of Hussein Shukr, nephew of Hezbollah’s military commander, Fouad Shukr. Speculation swirls around the circumstances, ranging from accidental gunfire in Ouzai to
They asked me: "Sheikh Hassan Said Mecheimeche, do you align with the alliance of America, Europe, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE?" Many of my relatives, friends, and even military figures within the Shiite "Khomeinist Party" organization in Lebanon often ask me, whether in person, on
Hezbollah serves as Iran's instrument for undermining Lebanon and creating instability in the region
Hezbollah's brief "euphoria" quickly dissipated when confronted with the Israeli military's large-scale assault, which involved a hundred warplanes. Despite the extensive propaganda proclaiming victory, Hezbollah was unable to secure any substantial accomplishments. Despite grand claims, the outcome was simply a reversion to attrition policies
Women from the Middle East and North Africa may have more difficulties to overcome than women from elsewhere in the world when it comes to elite sports. A conference in London last week gave all the encouragement they could ever need.
“Nation-state”: or nation-state, a territorially limited sovereign political system – i.e. a state – governed in the name of a community of citizens who define themselves as a nation. The legitimacy of a nation-state's rule over a territory and over the people who inhabit it stems from the right
An indie band formed of twin brothers with an uncanny ability to sing to your soul is currently winning rave reviews – and for good reason. Amistat, comprised of Jan and Josef Prasil, have 685,000 monthly listeners on Spotify, and are currently touring. Born in Germany and raised in Italy
A failed state in many ways, Lebanon’s solution is still a mirage because its informal system of governance has no flexibility or alternatives built in. Sectarianism’s worst effects are all that is left.
‘Handbook for Today’ is both journal and guide for coping with the challenges that life throws at us. Its creator explains how she came up with it, why it is important, and what she plans to do next.
Can any Libyan dream of a promising future? I can strongly say Yes! The huge issue that Libya has been experiencing for years reached its apex (or low point) at the tragic scene of "Derna." The land that has played a role in the history of humanity, has