Libya's Promise to Its People and to The World

Libya's Promise to Its People and to The World

Can any Libyan dream of a promising future? I can strongly say Yes!

The huge issue that Libya has been experiencing for years reached its apex (or low point) at the tragic scene of "Derna." The land that has played a role in the history of humanity, has made it one of the most important makers in North African history, both ancient and modern. It has the material and moral wealth to do so.

A lot may be stated in the context of the description: political fragmentation, internal and foreign security issues, international interventions, old/new economic problems, on the list of Libyan concerns. The current predicament, however, should not obscure the bright light at the end of the tunnel. The options are numerous, the determination to escape from the crisis is growing, and the demand for a stable homeland is the right for every Libyan, before it becomes a goal for many partners in the region and around the world.

The future is not a leap into a void, so it cannot be built by falling into the trap of "wishful thinking”. Yet "wishful thinking" still remains the right for any Libyan who does not build his wishful palaces of illusion. For the sake of a dear homeland, we will wish for our future:a state governed by the Constitution and its primary support, dignified citizens and a sustainable state of law, with an economy with multiple resources, and transparent institutions.

Libya will reopen its doors to shake hands with others, good governance and social justice will become apart of our country. Libyan will become a participate in the world's stability, peace, and prosperity, and we, God willing, will build the fundamental role.It’s time for Libya to put an end to the use of force and the inability to protect our country from becoming a headquarters or corridor for terrorists, illegal immigrants, or foreign militants whose presence has been extended for years due to the cracks in a national schism and personal gains, that affects every Libyan. It’s continuation carries significant risks for the nation, risks.

Libya understands its right to belong to its Arab embrace, its African neighbours, and the Mediterranean world, which has been a bridge and a sustainable link through which Libya has exchanged interests and cultures throughout its long history. This coast will once again be a horizon of hope, with the ships of the future safely anchored on its shores, as they have been for centuries.The road to hope begins with the end of political division, which we believe is firstly accomplished by replacing any desire for exclusion, with inclusion. There is no justification for exclusion in the Libya for the future, and the state of law.The recent approval of an election law by the Libyan parliament heralds the possibility of overcoming the zero-sum conflict that has cost Libyans years, due to the desire of some to exclude others. 

All are welcomed to participate under the law, when Libya regains the structure of a state, one of the means of restoring confidence after years of conflict will be for the international community to play a role. In providing integrity guarantees for the political entitlements decided by the "Election Fund."Therefore, the holding of the elections under international supervision may be one of the guarantees of passing this stage with confidence. The task of re-establishing a unified state of institutions necessitates the formation of a government to oversee elections. Every consensus that the Libyans achieve increases the hope that the balance of trust between the country's people will improve, and there is no hope for a future in which trust between the country's people will be absent.After years of a significant lack of a comprehensive Libyan political vision - with all of the heavy losses that have resulted - there is an urgent need for this effective political vision. 

We can then restore the health of Libyan society and, as a result, the Libyan economy; building on the pillars of science and justice.Some of the Libyan institutions' aims to end all informal armed phenomena, unifying all state institutions and restructuring the military, security, If not met that future Libyan will become unreachable.The world needs a stable Libya, but the Libyan citizen deserves to see a prosperous, strong, and secure country. This can only be achieved if every Libyan owns his country's sovereignty, independent decision-making, and a fair share of its wealth without reservation.

Libya is hopeful, and God willing, its promises to its people and the rest of the world will be kept.

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